Our Products


The coolest, crispest, most refreshing lemon-lime ever. With a hint of lemony freshness in each sip, it's ideal for soothing your thirst on a steamy summer day. Why hold off till your pals come to your aid? Simply mentally press the refresh button and enjoy a Limun!

  • 200 ml


Our mix fruit soda is a symphony of flavours that combines the effervescent blast of effervescence with the sweetness of various fruits, making it refreshing and bright. With each sip, treat your taste buds to a delicious dance as the well-balanced blend of fruits delivers an incredibly thrilling and quenching experience.

  • 200 ml


Striker Power: Release your inner strength. This dynamic energy drink delivers an intense combination of focus and stamina, designed for optimal performance. With every drink, Striker Power ignites your potential by providing an unstoppable burst of vitality for your body and mind. Rise to the occasion, conquer obstacles, and discover the real meaning of empowerment. Boost your motivation and vitality with Striker Power, where power and accuracy converge.

  • 200 ml


With every sip, our Tangy Orange Zest Bliss delivers a tantalising taste of citrus sunshine. Enjoy the zesty, refreshing taste of ripe oranges as they are expertly portrayed in a sparkling dance. Brezzy Orange Zest Bliss is a sparkling symphony of citrus joy that will brighten your day as you embrace the zest of life.

  • 200 ml

  • 1.25 l

  • 2.25 l


A remarkable combination of seven vivid green marvels that capture the spirit of life in the natural world. Experience the crisp, energising flavour of Green 7, a delightful elixir made of a symphony of green apples, kiwi, cucumber, lime, mint, spinach, and green tea. With each sip, this special combination not only awakens your senses and tantalises your taste buds but also provides a boost of wellbeing and vitality. Green 7 is a celebration of flavour, health, and pure botanical delight. Join the green movement

  • 200 ml


Happy bubbles with a caramel undertone. Every taste of our traditional cola is a timeless treat and an instant pick-me-up. Savour the crisp refreshment of Cola Bliss, where simplicity and delight collide.

  • 200 ml

  • 1.25 l

  • 2.25 l


Drink Breezy Mango and take in the tropical paradise with every sip. With a delightfully smooth and sweet taste that epitomises pure mango happiness, this unique treat captures the essence of sun-kissed mangoes. Savour the tropical getaway with Breezy Mango, where each second is transformed into a sunny sip.

  • 200 ml


Jeera and Jeera King are delightfully refreshing drinks suitable for every season, with its Zabardast pleasant taste. Absorbing the deliciousness of Jeera, a beverage suitable at any time, anyplace. Take a sip to revitalise yourself!

  • 200 ml

  • 1.25 l

  • 2.25 l


Clear, pure, and surprisingly simple. Our Straightforward Soda is a delightful treat that embodies the spirit of unadulterated enjoyment. Every sip is refreshing and quenches the thirst with the ideal ratio of fizz to simplicity. Accept the simple pleasure of Simple Soda, as often the most straightforward things yield the most satisfaction.

  • 300 ml

  • 700 ml